Overcooked 2 review
Overcooked 2 review

overcooked 2 review

This is one of the best pick-up-and-play cooperative games out there, especially for people who may not play games a lot thanks to the simple controls and simplistic yet frantic gameplay. Overcooked 2 is the sequel to 2016s Overcooked (which was a Games with Gold during 2018). Ghost Town Games’ winning recipe went down well with fans and critics alike when it was unleashed back in 2016, and despite the occasional difficulty spike, there was no denying it of either its. When it comes to fun and inventive co-op gameplay, Overcooked is certainly high up on the list. Not only can you play through the story mode together (though the actual story is next to non-existent), but also an arcade mode that randomly selects levels, and a versus mode that pits you against other chefs. Overcooked 2 Review Mark Sherwood August 7, 2018. Playing with friends is a treat and really the best way to experience this game. That is where Overcooked! 2 shines, just like its predecessor. Playing with Joy-Cons was less than ideal thanks to their shorts sticks and gameplay requiring precision, although I’m not sure it matters when frantically playing with 3 other friends. This copy of the game was obtained via paid. It is currently available on PS4, PC, XBO, and Switch. Disclosures: This game is developed by Ghost Town Games and published by Team 17. There was more than once where I found myself trying to grab a tortilla and I’d actually grab a chicken leg thanks to the game’s poor contrast. Overcooked 2 is the perfect sequel that manages to improve on its predecessor in every way, and it’s easily one of the best games of 2018. This would be admissible if it didn’t make it hard to tell which ingredient is where thanks to them being similarly coloured and shaped. Performance wise Overcooked! 2 runs fine on the Nintendo Switch but does look a bit washed out in comparison to other versions. Overcooked! 2 – Review Image Provided by Team 17

Overcooked 2 review